First, everyone is obligated to go see Little Miss Sunshine. Best movie I've seen in ages, where 'age' ≈ 2 years. Quick plot summary: Heroin-snorting grandfather trains granddaughter, Olive, to compete in beauty contests. Unfortunately, she's not Regina George or attractive. Whatever, she wants to follow her dreams. Due to extenuating circumstances, the whole family takes a roadtrip from Albequerque to California so Olive can compete in the Little Miss Sunshine contest. Why this movie is good: the characters are so freaking well written. Here's a little brainstorm of adjectives me and Pags thought up to describe: rich, deep, compelling, complex, believable, endearing. Go see it.
Then (or before, whatever), watch this documentary on beauty pageants. Disturbing. Here are some highlights:
- A 0-18 month old category
- 18 month olds with hair extensions in aforementioned category
- a 6 year old boy whose mother seriously debates paying for his human growth hormone treatments or continuing to enter him in pageants
- a wretched mother destroying her 5 year old Swan, first by naming her Swan, and then by psychologically destroying her further by entering her into these senseless, life-ruining circuses.
I last left you, my faithful readers, in the desert in La Rioja. My latest travelational exploit was Øktøbërfëst in Villa General Belgrano, the provincia of Córdoba. Legend has it that V.G.B has the best oktoberfest outside of Münich. Which may or may not be true. I mean, I have my critiques of this one, but I really don't have anything to compare it to other than Meghan Fenzel's pictures from when she went last year. Anyway, I made reservations at Cabañas Las Princesas, or The Princess Cabins. People in my cabin were Pat, Kristinn (dude from Iceland with a chick name), Ellie, and her friend. Other people at the Princess Cabins were Ben, Nikki, Aron, Adam, Alejandro, and Harsha.
Rewind to me making reservations. Oktoberfest is pretty much the only thing to do in V.G.B., so there's a crapton of hostels and cabins and whatnot. On the cabins' website, they had a little map that shows their location. Unfortunately, their website is down, so I made one on paint so you can get an idea of what it looked like:

Back to the current time. We get there and discover, to our dismay, that the map above is misleading. Apparently, the cartographers forgot to put a scale or that break symbol you need to put when you make a graph and you don't start at zero. What's worse, there was a taxi strike for the weekend we were there. Here is what the map should have looked like:

9 km (5.625 mi) from the bus stop. That's 90 city blocks, or approximately twice the length of the subte line I ride. It was located in a different town. So we kind of freaked out for a bit. Just a bit. Then we realized that although the taxis were on strike, remises weren't, which is a car with a hired driver, and the two options cost about the same. We also found out that there was a bus that ran in the mornings and early afternoon that left from a spot about 20 minutes walking from the cabin. And the paro was over the next day. So it actually wasn't such a big whoop.
Oktoberfest was sweet - mostly beer. Delicious beer.
Things that were good:
- Honey beer
- red beer
- blond beer
- regular beer
- october flavored beer
- drinking the above by the liter
- repeating
- sweet hats
- dancing on the stage at the end of the night
- salsa-playing harpists on the main stage at a German cultural festival
- COPA completely taking over
- Adventures to the middle of a river with a completely full moon and being able to see perfectly
- Having three girls ask me for my number after I danced to Hung Up in a circle
- Having to think in dollars and not in pesos
- losing my sweet hat and my sweet bierstein even though I "hid" them so dilligently outside the boliche
- The concentration of lederhosen was a little low for my tastes
- the -wursts were pretty much just hot dogs
- being in the middle of a river near the cabin at 2 A.M. and having Kristinn (who decided to not come back to the cabins in the taxi with us) send me a text message that said "Where are you guys? Please respond!"
- Accidentally elbowing one of the aforementioned girls in the face later because the club was so crowded and hey, I had to dance.
Since Øktoberfest, I have been reaping the benefits of parents coming to visit. Jen's dad's flight got delayed, so he missed his flight, and as consolation to Jen, who was quite disappointed, he instructed her to take 2 or 3 of her favorite people out to dinner on him. Lucky for me, I fall into that category! Benjen and I had a terrific dinner at this trendy, posh restaurant that played videos of sadomasachistic softcore emo porn and dined on sushi, grilled shrimp with avacado moussé, rack of lamb, filet mingôn, salmon, white wine, torts with mango soups and bruleé, and the like. All for under 20 bucks a head! Thanks Herman!
Then, when Mr. Lewkowitz finally got here, he treated the three of us to dinner at Siga La Vaca, which I may have previously mentioned in this space. All you can eat of any part of the cow you can conceive of, plus each person at the table is entitled to an entire bottle of read wine. Good stuff.
Ben's mom got here yesterday, so the three of us are actually going back to SLV tomorrow. Getting pumped.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to Montevideo this weekend. Gunna go to the beach. I guess that means I need to get a bathing suit. Probably. They say it's pretty European here...
Academic stuff: School year is winding down. I handed in the only real thing I've had to do since classes started around July 28th, which was a 6 page paper on Facundo: Civilización y barbarie, which may possibly be the densest book ever written.
Things left to do before Nov. 16th when classes are done for real:
- 15 minute oral presentation on Blacks in Argentina in the 19th Century
- Midterm, in which I need to summarize (orally, with a partner) part of an article that claims that - listen to this - your ABO blood type corresponds to your personality type. I'll have to write an entry later just railing on how scientific thought does not exist in this country. Scientific method, people. Observation, hypothesis, dependent/independent variable. These are not widely accepted as valid in scientific endevours. Don't even get me started on the evolution lesson. I'll rant about it eventually. I swear it could solve most of this country's problems. It makes me really look forward to orgo next semester. Honestly.
- 4 page paper on human rights in the Arg.
- 15 page paper on children's literature. Hopefully I will be able to mention moles who get shat on.
- Final oral exam for the non-science-accepting psychology class.
Absentee ballot is getting faxed tomorrow, and FedEx is offering free priority shipping to all citizens abroad here. Sweet. Voting is pretty much my favorite.
P.S. I figured out how to configure my keyboard to be "International," thus all the unnecessary accented characters. áéíóú sometimes ý, ñÑ¿¡²³¤€¼½¾‘’¥×«»¬äåé®þüúíóö«»¬áßðø¶´æñµµç¹£÷¦ÖÓÍÚÜÞÉÅÄÁ§ÐØ°¨Æ¢Ç
How sweet am I?