Thursday, August 24, 2006

This blog post is dedicated to Matt Chan cuz he pointed out that it's been 8 days since my last confession.

That part last time where I said my schedule is ok is a fib. It's great. I switched my satire class for a children's literature class, which meets 3 hrs a week instead of three and has only one paper at the end instead of a midterm, take-home, final, final paper, and 2 other papers. Life is good. But that's not the real reason why it's a good class. The real reason is today we read "Birolo the Mole and Everything That Could Have Fallen on His Head."(1) Here's how the book goes: A mole pokes his head out of his hole to see if the sun is out so he can go play. A "sausage that is not a sausage" falls on his head. He becomes upset, so he goes out on a search to find out who pooped on his head. In "are you my mother" style, Birolo goes around the barnyard to ask the animals if they pooped on his head. And sure enough, they each vehemently deny the accusation. And to prove it, they say "I don't poop like that, I poop like this," and then shows Birolo what their poop looks like. By pooping. (This is a picture book). After asking the pigeon, horse, cow, goat, and bunny, he finally gets to the houseflies. The houseflies taste the poop and tell Birolo that it was the dog! Birolo then goes and poops on the sleeping dog's head. THE END.

P.S. Read this book if you want to learn Spanish onomatopoeia for the pooping sounds of various animals, read this book. Hint: bunnies go "plip plip plip plip"

P.P.S. This class is worth 1.5 Tufts credits. That's the same as organic chemistry.

1.) Holzwarth, Werner (texto) y Erlbruch, Wolf (ilustraciones). Del Topito Birolo y de todo lo que pudo haberle caído en la cabeza. Traducción de Francisco Morales. Buenos Aires, Centro Editor de América Latina, 1991.


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